Posts tagged with "Wavefunction Collapse":

The Cat is Out of the Box

Many of you have probably heard of the thought experiment known as Schrödinger's Cat. The basic premise of it is that you have a cat in a box. Also inside that box are a flask of poison gas, a radioactive element, and a detector hooked up to a small hammer to smash the flask. Now, if the radioactive element, well, radiates, the detector will detect it, smash the flask, and the poison will kill the cat. It is important to note that this experiment has never been performed, and actually performing it may get you labeled as a psychopath (or just someone who really, really hates cats). While the box is sealed, there is no way for an observed to know if the cat is alive or dead—that is, if the radioactive element has triggered the detector. The goal behind this experiment is the idea that, at some point during this experiment, the cat is both alive and dead—that is, a superposition of those states. Erwin Schrödinger himself came up with this scenario to demonstrate...

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