Posts tagged with "Like, Really Huge":

How Big is Space?

One thing you should know about space: it's huge. Mind-bogglingly huge. If you were to think of the biggest thing you could possibly imagine, it would still be more than a billion times bigger than that (and don't say you imagined infinity, because you can't. And stop being clever). The problem with just saying "the universe is huge" is that it doesn't really convey the distances involved. We can talk all we want about light-years and parsecs (unit of distance, not time, sorry George Lucas), but it doesn't really mean much. They're just words. And, as wonderfully evolved as language is, a lot of scientific terms fail to covey conceptual content with them, because our brains simply didn't evolve to deal with this sort of stuff. So this Friday, I'm going to try to take a stab at this comprehension.

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